Monday, September 19, 2011

We must get into the habit of BLOGGING O_o

   Ok so sorry for the delay guys. It's been a hectic week (or two) with school and work non stop. Basically every day there is school and work back to back from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Must... Talk... To... Manager... About... Working.... LESS... HOURS!!! O_o

   Though the pay check is good I must say that it is starting to get in the way of school seeing that they scheduled me to work and then asked if I could work longer which overlapped my class time... Sorry Jeff. :(
   Trust me... Modeling is more entertaining and useful than asking what can I get you to eat... ok... "my pleasure."(If you work at Chick-fil-A then you know what I mean and if you don't then go into Chick-fil-A and say thank you as many times as you want and hopefully they should say "my pleasure" after every time, but don't do it when I'm there or else)

Ok so enough blogging about my life and now to get to the good part...

So as you know the opera I have chosen is...

A picture of Giacomo Puccini

So now we need the research:

Based on research from Wikipedia
Puccini based his opera from the short story "Madame Butterfly" (1898) and four years later the first Australian performance was at the Theatre Royal in Sydney on March 26, 1910, starring Amy Castles.

So basically everything (everything as in buildings and anything man made) should look like it was made in 1898.

Judging from the youtube video I would say, and think you would agree with me, that this opera is based in China.

Pictures of American war boats from 1898:
Just an FYI these are pictures found from google search... I'm a college student... I don't clame these pictures as my own...
So if you have a problem then cut me some slack. Like I said this is research for school and not for a personal gain or profit

Unfortunately a couple of boats I couldn't save but here is the links if you want to see them:

***Nudge Nudge*** This next picture looks a lot like the boat in the youtube video that I shared from the first blog of the opera.

Pictures from the YouTube Video:
To refresh our memory and to get an idea of what the scene should look like.

Chinese Buildings from 1898:
Scratch that... 
Just "Old" Chinese buildings due to google being difficult

Chinese Plants/Gardens:

Here is a link to a website with some plants and gardens:

And last but not least...
A little surprise that I thought was cool.

A picture I found online of someone's model in maya. :)
This isn't mine... though I wish it was. 

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